3 Apr 2008

Welcome To The World Of The Virtual Tube

There is a whole underground world that you didn't know about. It's a virtual world based around the London Underground system (The Tube) and apparently, a ride on one of it's trains can help those with anxiety and paranoia issues.

Could virtual reality and specifically, Tube World, really help with medical disorders? Dr. Daniel Freeman, lead researcher of the project thinks so...

"Paranoid thoughts are often triggered by ambiguous events such as people looking in one's direction or hearing laughter in a room.But it is very difficult to recreate such social interactions.

Virtual reality allows us to do just that, to look at how different people interpret exactly the same social situation. It is a uniquely powerful method to detect those liable to misinterpret other people."

One things for sure, a ride on the virtual tube sure looks like a lot of fun. And you can even apply to be a driver!

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